Ehhh, Borat is how do you say... Very Funny

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Looking at an old friends website reminded me of the comic genus which is, Borat

Anybody notice a resemblance here.....

And now, my favorite clip ever.

Chris sat under the tree @ 12:48 AM 0 comments


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So last weekend for my birthday I went for something adventurous. Snowboarding in Mammoth. The powder was fresh, the people were friendly and the beer was cold.

Thanks to all my Snowboard Meetup friends, I had a great time!

Man, what a view. I took this one sitting on the side of the bunny slope after one of my many spills.

They were really smart when they designed the resort. At the bottom of every run, there's a bar.

Chris sat under the tree @ 10:53 PM 1 comments



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