Tuckerfest Testimonial

Monday, February 13, 2006

In response to Brandon request, I'd like to tell you a bit about my personal Tuckerfest.

For me the the biggest part of my Tuckerfest was the simple fact that all the lancers showed up. Really it's pretty amazing that we all made it.

Phil trekked all the way up from San Diego. I came out of hiding from Torrance. Maureen chose to spend the weekend with us instead of her boyfriend. And Todd. What? Todd is coming. Todd's even still alive... with a wife and kids?!?!

Really amazing that all of us would come from all over to Magalia of all places. In some ways it reminded me of "The Usual Suspects" or "The Stand" with some greater unseen force directing all of us together again.

The other neat part was that we all clicked together in a team like we were having lunch on the Quad a week ago, not 15 years ago.

This was best exemplified when we trounced Brandons other friends at Trivial Pursuit and Tucker Trivia.

For my part I can tell you that I will be there again, and this time it's in Alaska. In case you're curious about my feeling about Alaska, just take a look at the archives on this blog. It's really an amazing place. With amazing Beer!

As I write this, I am enjoying the other great discovery I made at Tuckerfest. Red Rocket Ale. I will see you all again in August.

Keep an eye on my blog in the next few months for more Tuckerfest memories and subtle suggestions to make your way to Alaska for the greatest beer festival on earth.

Chris sat under the tree @ 8:39 PM 0 comments

The Ice Dogs Rule!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Minor league teams can be the best value in sports . I can't recommend seeing the Ice Dogs enough. The tickets are a bargain, $2 dollar beers before the game, and the experience is all about the fans.

This is spike, the mascot. As you can see he's not afraid to get up into the stands and meet the fans.

In between periods Spike gets out and puts on a show with the fans. Ice Sumo wrestling, prizes and even the chicken dance.

This was of all things "Star Wars" night. There was a group walking around in full costume taking pictures with the crowd. In front of me in this picture is a fully robotic remote controlled R2D2. The operator told me it cost over $5,000 to build it.

ObiWan is holding a plasma light saber and spoke in an odd british accent. I heard one of the storm trooper call a kid "rebel scum". The kid loved it.

Chris sat under the tree @ 1:34 PM 0 comments

Poker players always remember the hands they lose, not the ones they win.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

So if you know me, you know I like to play poker and obsess over calculating pot odds. So let me tell you about my last hand from tonight's game.

I'm in the small blind and don't check my cards till the bet comes around to me. Ah 2s. Twelve players and everyone limped in. Family pot $6. Not going to get fancy here in early position so I call the .25 and limp in as well.The flop comes down 2h As 5h. Nice, two pair on the flop with a backdoor nut flush draw. Good hand but a vulnerable hand so correct strategy is to try to take down the pot before the other players can draw trips or the flush. Problem is that I'm in first position so if I bet big on the flop I either take down a small pot, or will only get called when I'm beat. Decide to check, allow some money into the pot and check raise big.

Richard is on my left. Loose aggressive player. I know I can count on him to bet, and he does not disappoint. $1. Another player calls around to the new guy Chris who tries to bet $20. We're playing pot limit, so we correct him to pot for $8. $16 in the pot, $32 in front of me. The other players fold to me.

Critical decision time. I have two moves here, fold or re pot all in. So I look at Chris and try to figure out what he has. Trips? Higher two pair? Well Chris is new to the game, but even so if he had trips $20 at an $8 pot is a gross overbet. Two hearts on the board, flush draw? If so his odds are about 1 in 5 to draw the heart, but if it pairs the board I win on a full house and if it falls running hearts I have the nut flush. Don't think he would over bet the draw. I think he is protecting a marginal/strong hand. Put him on a strong ace and re pot all in $32. Richard calls for less to create a side pot. Two of us are all in so the hand plays out face up.

Richard: 5s 3d ??? Chris: Ks Ac (I knew it!) At this point I'm in the lead. Lets take a look at the odds on the flop:

Nice, at this point I'm ~61% to win the hand but have a sneaking suspicion Richard is going to river me. Not bad considering I was less than 12% pre flop. Turn and burn:The turn comes 3d. Richards hand improves, but his odds of winning go down because now Chris and I are also drawing for the straight. I improve to ~74%, Chris is dominated at 7%. For some reason now I know Richard is going to river me, but I'm in the lead with a better two pair and can almost taste the pot.

River comes down with another King. Ugh, Chris made his 7% draw to win the pot with his Aces and Kings beating my Aces and Twos. Dammit that hurts.

Oh well, as my poker guru always says "all you can do is get your money in the middle with the best hand" which I did so I guess I can't be too upset. Besides it was "Fiesta Night" with Tito's Tacos and the best Sangria ever. Overall the evening was a win.

Just in case you're curious, you too can stay up till 2am justifying your gambling losses with this handy poker calculator.

Chris sat under the tree @ 1:10 AM 1 comments



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