Man I Love My Camera Phone

Monday, January 09, 2006

Yes I finally broke down to get a new phone. These pictures were taken with my Motorola Razor, and T-Mobile which by the way Rocks!

Right off the bat you know that Alaska is not messing around. This is the first thing you see at the Anchorage Airport. A giant rabid polar bear. The stuffed bear is about 9 feet tall and looks like it's going to rip your arm off.


I just had to get a shot of the natural beauty of the local Elk and Moose... Watching over your luggage.

"Brandon, Slow down, what's that strange piece of machinery?"

"That's a snow plow Chris"

"A what?"

We also went to the best bar ever. Chilkoot Charlies or Koot's as us locals call it.

The next time Dokken is playing, I'm so there.

And for my last night in town, Brandon and I hit the town. This is where I learned that getting the 1:30am flight home can be a dangerous thing.

First stop, Subzero Microlounge. Yes a cheesy LA style night club you can find all over Hollywood, but seemed a bit out of place in Anchorage. But here's the thing. They serve over 100 Belgian Ales. Me and my personal beer somalie had at it. I neglected to listen to him when he warned that the Belgians brew at 10% alcohol. You can see the effect it had on me.

Next stop Humpys for another Salmon Creek Pale Ale. Man that was tasty.

Anyway I see this guy walking through the bar. I stop him and ask for a picture with the gruffest person I've met so far. Well the picture speaks for it's self.

Somehow Brandon got me to the airport. I don't remember taking this picture.

By the time I reached the baggage check that little Belgian gnome had caught up to me. At this point I was only communicating as Borat. My bag weighed over 65lbs from all the beer I brought home. The airline agents watched me reduce the weight by shoving all the bottles in my backpack. "Success!"

Chris sat under the tree @ 11:41 PM 0 comments



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