The Alaska Zoo
Saturday, December 24, 2005
One of the neat things to see in Anchorage is the Alaska Zoo. Funny thing about going to outdoor exhibits when it's 30 degrees out, you get the whole place to yourself.
Now that I've seen them, I love moose. We had to sneak behind the fences to get this picture:
Doing what I do for a living gives me such and odd perspective on things. I'm standing there thinking there's a dangerous animal. Why do they have the electric fence and sign telling you not to get too close? Must have learned that the hard way... Well they did. The zookeeper told me some tourists tried climbing the fence and got attacked. Thank you darwin.
I just thought this was worth pulling over for a picture. "Mary and Joseph had to sleep in the driveway as there was no room in the trailer..."
Happy Holidays!
Chris sat under the tree @ 1:24 PM
More Pictures
I really stuck out when I was up there because I kept checking out all the snow. Also because I was so much more bundled up.
Malcolm and Chloe are too cute...
Chris sat under the tree @ 12:40 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
On my first day we went to the oddest/coolest city, Whittier.
This is the most interesting city created from an old Navy base. Until recently the city was inaccessible by car, until they built a two mile long tunnel under the mountains. A single lane opens to one direction at a time. Picture NORAD. Most of the population lives in the large building behind me. Everyone gets around the city in underground tunnels.
The scenery on the trip up was amazing. An icy angry grey sea, frozen waterfalls, glaciers, and incredible mountains.
After Whittier we met some of the wildlife…
Then saw the best store in Anchorage, Gold Rush Liquors.
Yes that’s right, drink Tecate and win a snow blower. Weird.
Chris sat under the tree @ 10:41 PM
My Trip To Alaska
Hi Everyone, I wanted to share my adventure in ... Alaska
Firstly I want to say thank you to Brandon and Stephanie for lodging me, feeding me, showing me the sights and being the best hosts ever.
Chris sat under the tree @ 9:29 PM